
Our History

KanREN is the Research and Education Network (R&E) in Kansas. Established in 1992, KanREN is a 501(c)(3) created by the public universities of Kansas. Created as a pioneer in R&E networks nationwide, KanREN shares resources, builds local, state and regional collaboration.

KanREN provides a single entity that works on behalf of all members, eliminating the duplicative skill sets, staffing, contracts, and individual services required to meet the needs of our members.

Since 1992, KanREN has provided opportunities beyond physical network connectivity. Our members are forward-thinking experts from education and community institutions. The relationships formed through our network empower members to achieve challenging goals, foster innovative thinking, and connect with similarly situated institutions. This collective expertise from passionate and highly respected professionals offers unique access and benefits to our members.

At A Glance

Icon Registered 501(c)(3)
Not-for-Profit Organization

Our dividends are happy members.

Icon Group Purchasing Power

Facilitates group purchases for cost savings.

Icon Self-Funded and Self-Sufficient

Operates without ongoing state or federal funds.

Icon Founded in 1992

Established before “the internet” as we know it existed.

Icon Transparent and Accountable

Full financial disclosure to members. Complete transparency.

Icon Technology Leader

Consistently leading the state in technology and capabilities.

Icon Governed by Members

Board of Directors elected from and by the membership.

Icon Rooted in Kansas

Lawrence-based. Member funds stay in Kansas, supporting local communities.

Our Future

KanREN will be the premier Managed Service Provider (MSP) for anchor institutions across Kansas with the next five years, setting the standard for excellence in connectivity solutions and empowering our members to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.